Aphasia Articles

What does it mean to have Expressive or Receptive Aphasia?

Expressive, receptive and mixed aphasia are terms that get tossed around a lot in the hospital after the stroke or brain injury.
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What’s the difference between Aphasia and Apraxia?

Aphasia and apraxia are different disorders that usually have similar causes.
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Being the "therapist" with your aphasic loved one

“Do you work together well?” This is an important question I ask during orientation.
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The myth of a plateau in aphasia

Why The Aphasia Plateau is a Myth. A 'plateau' is supposed to mean that the patient's performance has stopped at a certain point. You may be told that there's nothing more to be done.
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Can I still improve after 6 months?

One of the biggest myths or misinformation is about how long after your stroke you can make changes to your brain
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What is a "family with aphasia"?

I developed the term because when you are a professional, your goal is to help the entire family involved, not just the "patient".
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The Cycles of Learning in Aphasia Recovery

Aphasia recovery takes a lot of work and no one is motivated 100% of the time. Sometimes we're tired, stressed out, or just want to relax a bit.
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Aphasia is slippery and inconsistent

Have you ever had the experience of not being able to recall a word, name, or date? Doesn't it drive you crazy?
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Sadness and Depression in Aphasia

When families reach out to us about treatment options, they may describe their loved one as 'sad', "depressed", or "discouraged" after their stroke. As the family of someone with aphasia, this can be very hard to watch.
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What is tDCS and does it help aphasia or apraxia?

Transcranial direct current stimulation has been in the news recently as a possible treatment for aphasia. Research into using tDCS has been ongoing for a few years
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