Aphasia Articles

Can you go back to your job with aphasia?

Many clients who come to the intensive program are still desperately trying to get back to their jobs, frantic and under pressure to get better faster
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How to keep going in a world that thinks you've plateaued

Almost everyone with aphasia has heard the words "You are going to be discharged because you've hit a plateau".
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What Is Broca's Aphasia?

Broca's aphasia is a non-fluent type of aphasia that is commonly associated with verbal apraxia, relatively good auditory comprehension, agrammatic speech, and poor repetition.
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4 ways to Deal with Anger in Aphasia

One of the things that families with aphasia miss is being able to have 'adult' conversations. Many times I've heard something like "we can't argue anymore. He gets mad about something and I have no idea what it is. Then he storms off and I don't know what's going on."
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Intensive Aphasia Therapy, What it is and what it isn't

Expectations are extremely important to address in intensive therapy, but also in other parts of our lives. Expectations are what our minds create based upon experiences and desires.
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The Best Approach to your Aphasia Therapy (or Show Up and Do It Anyway)

“We're definitely going to have to set up a schedule for therapy at home.” This caregiver's wise words will lead to better outcomes over time.
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A Lesson in Chemistry - Finding the Right Aphasia Therapist For You!

Families with aphasia that come to our center tend to be very motivated. They are ready for anything at any time and are excited to be working so hard.
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Mentally Preparing for Intensive Aphasia Therapy

For some people the decision to pursue intensive aphasia therapy has been a long time coming. For others, as was the case in my experience, it happens quickly as an act of desperation and defiance. Whether is was a spur of the moment decision or not,
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Standing in Your Own Way in Aphasia Progress

Families with aphasia that come to our center tend to be very motivated. They are ready for anything at any time and are excited to be working so hard. Typically if a family has gone through all of the planning to complete intensive aphasia therapy, then they're ready to learn new things.
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It's Not Me, It's You - When You Don't Like Your Speech Therapist

Occasionally it happens, your loved one just isn't happy with the speech therapist he's seeing. Since all of our clients are here for five hours a day, there are five different therapists working with each client.
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