Aphasia Articles

After Rehab for Aphasia - What's Next?

Aphasia. No one has heard of it before they experience it. All you know is that your life has suddenly coming crashing to a halt.
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Changing Your Focus in Aphasia from 'Can't' to 'Can'

See The "Can Do" In A New World of "Can't"
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I can't - The Importance of the Aphasia Mental Game

I can't say it. This is one of the most common things we hear from our clients with aphasia.
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Alone in your aphasia? You're not the only one!

I meet a LOT of families with aphasia—younger, older, married, divorced, executives, soldiers, students—you name it, anyone can have aphasia.
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Aphasia Therapy - Perfect Strangers Finding Support Far From Home

Two different families. Two different states. Two different strokes. And independently of each other, they decided to travel to The Aphasia Center for intensive aphasia therapy and booked overlapping sessions.
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Aphasia Progress - Don't Compare Yourself to Others

I'm always amazed by the number of families with aphasia who come to the Aphasia Center and report that they have no contact with other families with aphasia in their areas.
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Aphasia Progress - It isn't a Competition

We have all seen them. Reality competition shows have taken over the networks. From American Idol to Survivor, Project Runway to Dancing With The Stars.
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Expectations for Aphasia Recovery Milestones

“How long ago was your stroke?” That's what everyone you meet wants to know. Your doctors, other families with aphasia, and therapists
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Celebrating Milestones in Aphasia Recovery

This past March marked the two year stroke anniversary for my spouse, Jason. The last years were filled with every emotion possible, including fantastic highs and scary lows.
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An Aphasia Caregiver Superman - You Can't Be Everything

After many failed attempts at being Superman, one of the first things I learned as an aphasia caregiver was that I am just me.
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