Aphasia Articles

Why Doesn't He Practice? If I had aphasia I'd…

In a family with aphasia, it can be very stressful as a caregiver to juggle everything. You may still be working, taking care of children, and orchestrating a lot of other daily life activities.
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Challenges of Aphasia - When You Can't Go Back to the Life You Had

“When is this aphasia thing going to be done?” asked a caregiver.
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Embracing Change - Allowing Aphasia to Move You Forward

I have to admit, I never thought that after being given the job title of “Caregiver Liaison” here at The Aphasia Center that I would have to do so much self-reflection as a part of my job description
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What do we do now? Anxiety about the future with aphasia

Since so many people have never heard of aphasia, it can be a bewildering and confusing diagnosis to receive.
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Overcoming Anxiety in The Initial Days Post-Aphasia

My mind keeps coming back to the countless conversations I have with various aphasia caregivers who are so worried about what the future holds.
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Aphasia Communication and the Holidays

The holidays can be a great time to relax, entertain, and catch up with friends and family. It can also be a stressful time–cleaning the house, buying gifts, making meals, and organizing schedules
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Taking Communication For Granted in Families With Aphasia

The holidays can be a great time to relax, entertain, and catch up with friends and family. It can also be a stressful time–cleaning the house, buying gifts, making meals, and organizing schedules
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Encouraging Communication Independence in Aphasia Recovery

Do you remember that moment when you were a kid you finally found your balance on your bike and rode free from training wheels for the first time?
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The Worst Thing to Say to a New Caregiver

Caregivers need every ounce of support and help they can get, especially new caregivers who are riddled with anxiety about the unknown.
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When Your Caregiver Fuse is Ready to Blow

We have all been there before. You are just trying to get across a simple point and you hit a brick wall.
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